Thursday, September 29, 2016

Authority figures affect people in many ways.They can lead you in the right or wrong path.They usually try to make you succesful and tell u what to do.Sometime you being yourself isnt going to lead you in the right path and most people arent smart enough to figure that out so thats when they come in.Usually when they threaten you they its fir your own good.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The pedestrian first impression

This strory has an odd feeling different then other books ,but i still need more info on it .

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Earth on turtles back

"Earth on turtles back" was a good story. I like how the only person that could get earth wasnt the majestic animal but the one that wanted it the most .It was pretty interesting thinking that a sky lady and a muskrat created earth and put it on a turtles back.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

I got a b on my essay .It was alright but not really A work.I think i deserved the B.i think i have like 2 assighments i havent done but other than that i have it all .i think i earned like an 88%B+ .